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Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Millerton Point' A fairly new white flowered ceanothus! We're reluctant to say this is absolutely hardy but it will do well in all but the coldest areas, especially in full sun. Height to 2m.  2L  £14.00 £14.00
Eucryphia x intermedia Evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers in mid summer .Prefers lime free soil  2L  £18.00 £18.00
Eucryphia x intermedia 'Rostrevor' A less well-known evergreen tree with white flowers in summer. For neutral to acidic soils, not too dry, in sun or light shade. 8m.  2L  £18.00 £18.00
Total (excluding postage) £50.00
Postage & Packing £9.50
Total (including postage) £59.50

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