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Plant Description Size Price Qty Total Price
Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata' Upright leaves variably marked with white stripes. Whiter flowers than the species, if you see them at ground level. Suprisingly hardy. Best in deep shade.   2L  £20.00 £20.00
Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen Cream' AGM Variegated leaves with creamy white margins. Classic forget-me-not blue flowers in March and April. For partial shade and fertile moist soil. 30-45cm tall in flower.   2L  £9.00 £9.00
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' Frosted-silver leaves, and charming blue flowers in spring. For good soil in shade. Height to 45cm.  2L  £8.00 £8.00
Waldsteinia ternata A shade loving perennial forming low mats by creeping rhizomes5 10 cm high yellow flowers April May  2L  £7.00 £7.00
Total (excluding postage) £44.00
Postage & Packing £9.50
Total (including postage) £53.50

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