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Plant Description Size Price Qty Total Price
Disporopsis aff. undulata Low growing evergreen woodlander with scented creamy flowers in May and June. Excellent groundcover for good soil in shade. 20 cm tall.  2L  £9.50 £9.50
Iris japonica 'Variegata' AGM Harmful if eaten. Leaves variegated with cream. 30cm.Pale blue flowers in spring Good foliage plant in sheltered position .   2L  £8.00 £8.00
Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' AGM Common Flag harmful if eaten. Golden flowers Jun-Jul 80cm Magnificent variegated foliage turns green in summer. Marshy ground or shallow water; grows in rich moist soil in sun   2L  £8.00 £8.00
Total (excluding postage) £25.50
Postage & Packing £9.50
Total (including postage) £35.00

Minimum Order (excluding postage) £30.00

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