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Plant Description Size Price Qty Total Price
Acanthus mollis 'Hollard's Gold' Golden yellow-green leaves, with spikes of mauve and white flowers from June to September. 90cm in height. For good soil in part shade.   2L  £12.00 £12.00
Acanthus spinosus AGM Bears Breeches. Tall spikes of soft mauve flowers in spikes from June to October. Handsome, glossy dark green foliage. A tough and wonderful garden plant for sun.   2L  £12.00 £12.00
Angelica gigas A fantastic architectural plant growing up to 2m in height. Umbels of deep purple flowers in August and September. Moist, fertile soil in sun or part shade. Biennial but seeds.   2L  £9.00 £9.00
Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata' Upright leaves variably marked with white stripes. Whiter flowers than the species, if you see them at ground level. Suprisingly hardy. Best in deep shade.   2L  £20.00 £20.00
Beesia calthifolia Evergreen herbaceous woodland plant grown for its glossy heart-shaped leaves and spikes of white flowers in late spring. Up to 60cm tall in the best conditions, with foliage below.  1L  £12.00 £12.00
Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen Cream' AGM Variegated leaves with creamy white margins. Classic forget-me-not blue flowers in March and April. For partial shade and fertile moist soil. 30-45cm tall in flower.   2L  £9.00 £9.00
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' Frosted-silver leaves, and charming blue flowers in spring. For good soil in shade. Height to 45cm.  2L  £8.00 £8.00
Waldsteinia ternata A shade loving perennial forming low mats by creeping rhizomes5 10 cm high yellow flowers April May  2L  £7.00 £7.00
Total (excluding postage) £89.00
Postage & Packing £9.50
Total (including postage) £98.50

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