Epimedium 'Amber Queen'

Is this the best epimedium of them all? A profusion of amber flowers borne from April to June on a plant to 60cm tall. NOT for dry shade.
2LPerennial£9.00Add to basket
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Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum'

Primrose-yellow flowers on this classic epimedium that is suitable for drier shade. Tough, resilient; what's not to like? 30cm tall.
2LPerennial£9.00Add to basket
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Eryngium 'Neptune's Gold'

Golden form of this much loved 'sea holly'. Blue flowers are stunning among the golden bracts. Excellent drainage and full sun. 60cm in flower.
2LPerennial£9.00Add to basket
Eryngium 'Neptune's Gold'

Eryngium planum

Charming 'sea holly' with smooth, rounded leaves and the classic blue flowers. Good drainage in sun, but a little more amenable than others. 60cm.
2LPerennial£9.00Add to basket
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Eryngium 'White Glitter'

White flowered form of 'sea holly'. Loved by florists. For good drainage in full sun. 60cm.
2LPerennial£9.00Add to basket
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Eryngium x tripartitum 'Jade Frost'

A smaller 'sea holly' with pink and cream variegation. Cream flowerheads open amethyst blue. For good drainage in sun. 40cm.
2LPerennial£12.00Add to basket
Eryngium x tripartitum 'Jade Frost'

Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow'

Red stems emerge from the ground in spring, unfurling green leaves flushed orange. Orange flowers in summer. Beautiful but spreading. 1m.
2LPerennial£12.00Add to basket
Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow'