Trees and Shrubs
Displaying 1 to 20 of 64 results sorted alphabetically.

Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea'
Finely cut blue-grey foliage, with strongly purple new growth, and showy clusters of yellow flowers in spring. Hardier than many acacias.2L £18.00
Acer negundo 'Kelly's Gold'
A charming deciduous tree with golden foliage, perfect for brightening things up in light shade. Best pollarded once it gets bigger, or allow it to grow into a modestly sized tree.3L £16.00
Azara dentata
Larger in all its parts, including its flowers, than Azara microphylla. Gloriously perfumed flowers in early spring. Rare. Height to around 12m.2L £18.00
Azara microphylla
A woefully underappreciated evergreen shrub/small tree, bearing vanilla-scented flowers in early spring. Its airy habit makes its potential 10m height easier to accommodate.2L £22.00

Azara microphylla Variegata
Shrub 3-5m makes good wall shrub, yellow vanilla scented flowers. Feb/Apr3L £22.00
Carpinus fargesiana
A rare Chinese hornbeam grown for its delicate small leaves, smooth grey bark and attractive catkins in spring. Rare but easily grown. Ultimate height to around 20m.2L £22.00
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Millerton Point'
A fairly new white flowered ceanothus! We're reluctant to say this is absolutely hardy but it will do well in all but the coldest areas, especially in full sun. Height to 2m.2L £14.00
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Low growing deciduous shrub famed for its plumbago-like blue flowers from July to late autumn. Excellent scarlet autumn colour. 50cm.2L £12.00

Coleonema 'Sunset Gold'
A fine half-hardy shrub with bright yellow-green leaves. White flowers borne in profusion from late winter to spring. For a sheltered site but worth it. 45cm tall.3L £15.00
Convolvulus cneorum
You could grow this shrub for its silver leaves alone, let alone its beautiful white flowers. For good to exceptional drainage in sun. Can be 1m+.3L £8.00

Corokia 'Sunsplash'
Green and cream variegated leaves on attractive wiry stems. In late spring it produces small yellow flowers, followed in autumn by glossy red berries. Not for cold regions. 1m+3L £10.00

Corokia 'Frosted Chocolate'
Upright evergreen shrub with small greenish-bronze leaves turning chocolate brown in colder weather. Flowers from spring into early summer. Around 1.2m tall. Not for cold regions.3L £10.00

Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata'
Smallish evergreen with golden margins to the leaves. Very fragrant pink flowers in March and April. Good soil in light shade. 1-1.5m2L £15.00
Disanthus ovatifolius
A rare semi-evergreen shrub with foliage turning purple in autumn. Cute little red flowers in the leaf axils in spring. Good soil, some shelter. To 5m.2L £18.00
Eriobotrya japonica 'Rose Anne'
(Loquat) A magnificent evergreen tree to 5m tall with handsome foliage and perfumed white flowers; these are followed by delicious fruits. Fairly hardy.2L £18.00

Eucryphia lucida 'Ballerina'
Tall and broadly conical evergreen tree with masses of pink flowers in early summer. Neutral to acidic soil in sun or light shade; not dry. 8m.2L £18.00

Eucryphia x intermedia
Evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers in mid summer .Prefers lime free soil2L £18.00

Eucryphia x intermedia 'Rostrevor'
A less well-known evergreen tree with white flowers in summer. For neutral to acidic soils, not too dry, in sun or light shade. 8m.2L £18.00

Euphorbia x pasteuri 'John Phillips'
E. mellifera x E. stygiana, with the exotic look and honey-perfumed flowers of the former with the hardiness of the latter. A big shrub! 1.5m tall.2L £12.00

Ficus 'Brown Turkey'
The classic hardy fruiting fig in the UK, often producing sizeable crops. Note: fruit takes two seasons to develop and ripen. 3-5m but can be pruned.2L £12.00
Displaying 1 to 20 of 64 results sorted alphabetically.