(Loquat) A magnificent evergreen tree to 5m tall with handsome foliage and perfumed white flowers; these are followed by delicious fruits. Fairly hardy.
Eucryphia lucida 'Ballerina'
Tall and broadly conical evergreen tree with masses of pink flowers in early summer. Neutral to acidic soil in sun or light shade; not dry. 8m.
Eucryphia x intermedia
Evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers in mid summer .Prefers lime free soil
Eucryphia x intermedia 'Rostrevor'
A less well-known evergreen tree with white flowers in summer. For neutral to acidic soils, not too dry, in sun or light shade. 8m.
Euphorbia x pasteuri 'John Phillips'
E. mellifera x E. stygiana, with the exotic look and honey-perfumed flowers of the former with the hardiness of the latter. A big shrub! 1.5m tall.