Plants - A
20 plants per page (in alphabetical order)
Abutilon 'Canary Bird'
Large light yellow lantern-shaped flowers on this charming shrub through summer and autumn. For a sheltered spot, warm wall or under glass.2L Exotic £12.00
Abutilon 'Ines'
Red bell-shaped flowers with cream petals on this desirable and sought after shrub during summer and autumn. Not completely hardy but good for cold glass or a sheltered wall.2L Exotic £12.00
Abutilon 'Patrick Synge'
A vigorous shrub bearing a profusion of deep orange bell-shaped flowers in summer and autumn. For the shelter of a warm wall or under glass.2L Exotic £12.00
Abutilon x milleri 'Variegatum'
Tangerine orange flowers set against spotted foliage. Magnificent if you like variegation, which we do here. Stunning in summer and autumn.2L Exotic £12.00

Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea'
Finely cut blue-grey foliage, with strongly purple new growth, and showy clusters of yellow flowers in spring. Hardier than many acacias.2L £18.00
Acanthus eminens
A rarely encountered semi-shrubby species with very spiky leaves; fantastic violet flowers from March to July if it doesn't get too cold in winter. Or grow it for the foliage!2L Perennial £12.00

Acanthus mollis
A classic garden plant with bold foliage and spikes of flowers from June to Aug, usually around 80cm in height. Hardy, easy and wonderful.2L Perennial £9.00

Acanthus mollis 'Hollard's Gold'
Golden yellow-green leaves, with spikes of mauve and white flowers from June to September. 90cm in height. For good soil in part shade.2L Perennial £12.00

Acanthus spinosus AGM
Bears Breeches. Tall spikes of soft mauve flowers in spikes from June to October. Handsome, glossy dark green foliage. A tough and wonderful garden plant for sun.2L Perennial £12.00

Acanthus 'Whitewater'
Boldly variegated foliage and pink flowers on bright pink stems. Flowers from June to August. Slower to spread than others, and around 1.5 m in height.2L Perennial £12.00
Acer negundo 'Kelly's Gold'
A charming deciduous tree with golden foliage, perfect for brightening things up in light shade. Best pollarded once it gets bigger, or allow it to grow into a modestly sized tree.3L £16.00

Aloe aristata
A smallish rosette-forming succulent, somewhat spiny. Tubular orange-red flowers appear on long stems in late summer. For a windowsill or under glass in the majority of places.3L Exotic £12.00

Anemone hupehensis 'Praecox'
(Now Eriocapitella) An earlier autumn anemone with dark pink flowers to around 60cm in height. Reliable and definitely worth growing.2L Perennial £9.00

Anemone x hybrida 'Serenade'
(Now Eriocapitella) A lovely free-flowering semi double dark pink form of this garden favourite. Flowers from August to October, to around 80cm in height.2L Perennial £9.00

Anemone x hybrida 'Whirlwind'
Fabulour white semi-double flowers from late August to October. We think this is the best of the white Japanese anemones around. Height to around 90cm.2L Perennial £9.00

Angelica gigas
A fantastic architectural plant growing up to 2m in height. Umbels of deep purple flowers in August and September. Moist, fertile soil in sun or part shade. Biennial but seeds.2L Perennial £9.00

Artemesia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis'
Absolutely glorious silver foliage on a hardy perennial plant. Inconsequential flowers but you grow this for the foliage. To 60cm. Best with decent drainage.2L Perennial £9.00
Asarum nobilissimum 'Deep Throat'
An exciting new introduction from Plant Delights in the US; the leaves of this giant form can reach 20cm long, with exceptionally large flowers too. Height to 30cm2L Perennial £22.00

Aspidistra elatior
A once popular victorian foliage plant enjoying a resurgence of interest. Evergreen, with leaves to around 60cm. A houseplant or surprisingly hardy for a deeply shaded garden.2L Perennial £12.00
Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata'
Upright leaves variably marked with white stripes. Whiter flowers than the species, if you see them at ground level. Suprisingly hardy. Best in deep shade.2L Perennial £20.00
20 plants per page (in alphabetical order)