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Barracott Plants

Plants - E

Ensete venticosum

Ensete venticosum

Large-leafed ornamental banana with green leaves backed and flushed with red. Not the hardiest species maybe, but worth the effort. 3-5m.

2L   Exotic   £12.00

Epimedium 'Amber Queen'

Is this the best epimedium of them all? A profusion of amber flowers borne from April to June on a plant to 60cm tall. NOT for dry shade.

2L   Perennial   £9.00

Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum'

Primrose-yellow flowers on this classic epimedium that is suitable for drier shade. Tough, resilient; what's not to like? 30cm tall.

2L   Perennial   £9.00

Eriobotrya japonica 'Rose Anne'

(Loquat) A magnificent evergreen tree to 5m tall with handsome foliage and perfumed white flowers; these are followed by delicious fruits. Fairly hardy.

2L     £18.00

Eryngium 'Neptune's Gold'

Eryngium 'Neptune's Gold'

Golden form of this much loved 'sea holly'. Blue flowers are stunning among the golden bracts. Excellent drainage and full sun. 60cm in flower.

2L   Perennial   £9.00

Eryngium planum

Charming 'sea holly' with smooth, rounded leaves and the classic blue flowers. Good drainage in sun, but a little more amenable than others. 60cm.

2L   Perennial   £9.00

Eryngium 'White Glitter'

White flowered form of 'sea holly'. Loved by florists. For good drainage in full sun. 60cm.

2L   Perennial   £9.00

Eryngium x tripartitum 'Jade Frost'

Eryngium x tripartitum 'Jade Frost'

A smaller 'sea holly' with pink and cream variegation. Cream flowerheads open amethyst blue. For good drainage in sun. 40cm.

2L   Perennial   £12.00

Eucryphia lucida 'Ballerina'

Eucryphia lucida 'Ballerina'

Tall and broadly conical evergreen tree with masses of pink flowers in early summer. Neutral to acidic soil in sun or light shade; not dry. 8m.

2L     £18.00

Eucryphia x intermedia

Eucryphia x intermedia

Evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers in mid summer .Prefers lime free soil

2L     £18.00

Eucryphia x intermedia 'Rostrevor'

Eucryphia x intermedia 'Rostrevor'

A less well-known evergreen tree with white flowers in summer. For neutral to acidic soils, not too dry, in sun or light shade. 8m.

2L     £18.00

Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow'

Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow'

Red stems emerge from the ground in spring, unfurling green leaves flushed orange. Orange flowers in summer. Beautiful but spreading. 1m.

2L   Perennial   £12.00

Euphorbia x pasteuri 'John Phillips'

Euphorbia x pasteuri 'John Phillips'

E. mellifera x E. stygiana, with the exotic look and honey-perfumed flowers of the former with the hardiness of the latter. A big shrub! 1.5m tall.

2L     £12.00

A - Z Plant Finder

Barracott Plants, Old Orchard, Calstock Road, Gunnislake, Cornwall, PL18 9AA    01822 832234